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Ética na capelania

Obediência. Temor e aceitação ao chamado.

Só Jesus é o caminho. A verdade e a vida.

Devemos simplesmente praticar os ensinamentos e gerar bons frutos durante a nossa existência.

Trazer às vistas a imagem e semelhança de Cristo, praticando as boas obras espelhadas em Cristo Jesus.

One of the primary benefits of cybersecurity is the protection of sensitive data. In an era where personal and financial information is frequently stored and transmitted online, ensuring this data is secure is paramount. Cybersecurity measures such as encryption, secure authentication, and access controls help prevent unauthorized access to personal information like social security numbers, credit card details software security audits, and medical records. This protection not only helps in preventing identity theft and financial fraud but also ensures compliance with various data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA.